Thank you for all of your love and support. The past few months have been hard but we are back to baking! We have the most amazing customers and we are very thankful for you and so glad to be back in the kitchen!
Personalized Tasting
Getting Married? Contact us for a tasting of up to four flavors from our extensive menu.-
In this photo:
Film Noir and Cookies N' Cream cupcakes.
In this photo:
Various gourmet cupcakes, including Cookies N' Cream, Peanut Butter Jelly Time, Double Trouble and Afternoon Delight.
In this photo:
Cherry Go Round cupcake.
In this photo:
Cookies N' Cream cupcake.
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Viva La Margarita cupcake.
In this photo:
Cherry Go Round. A soft cherry cake topped with a creamy vanilla bean frosting and a fresh organic cherry.
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Brandy Di Natale, and two Cherry Go Round cupcakes.
In this photo:
Elvis Schmelvis cupcakes.